Sunday, 7 July 2019

South America 2019 - Prelude & Part 1 - 4

*Whirlwind tour of South America's ABC - prelude*  

On 10 March we departed KL to Rio de Janeiro via Amsterdam to catch a glimpse of ABC - Argentina, Brazil and  Chile. 24 hours total flying time. Flew with KLM, old airline, old air hostess too, shelf life expired!    

First 2 are huge countries, 3rd exceptionally slender and long. Brazil is bigger than Australia. Need 5 internal flights to cover just half a dozen places. 3 weeks, half of the time in national parks.   

*蜻蜓点水看南美 - 前言*  

三月十日从吉隆坡起飞,阿姆斯特丹里转机,到里约热内卢, 游览南美洲的巴西,阿根廷和智利。总飞行时间是二十四个小时,荷兰航空KLM,老字号,服务的是超龄空中老姐。  


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*Whirlwind tour of South America (1)*  

Rio de Janeiro is the 2nd largest city in Brazil, metro population 12 million. 20% of the Rios stay in urban slums called favela in Portuguese. We visited the Rocinha favela, largest in Rio. Slum tourism is a new trend. See the mess of the electrical wires. 

Next the two famous beaches, we walked on Copacabana and had a glimpse of Ipanema Ipenama Beach was made famous by the 1963 bossa nova number "The Girl from Ipanema".  Great beaches means good facilities: wide beaches, fine sands, beautiful promenade, etc like these two have in common. 

*蜻蜓点水看南美 (1)*  

里约热内卢 -巴西第二大城市,人口一千二百万。20 巴仙的人住在贫民窟。早上我们去一个名为Rocinha,里约最大的贫民窟看看,另类旅游。看那一塌糊涂的电线。 

里约有两个国际聞名的沙滩:Copacabana 和 Ipanema。我们在前者呆了数小时。后者在视野内,可未入场。后者成名是因为二十世纪六十年代有一首名歌以它为主题。


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*Whirlwind tour of South America (2)*  

Morning visited the icon of Rio, the statue of Christ the Redeemer, built in 1931. Height is 38 m with an 8 m base. The statue is located at the peak of a 610 m mountain, reachable by hill railway.  

At the Selaron Steps, 215 decorated steps and parapets in a housing area created by a resident Jorge Selaron using 2,000+ tiles from all over the World. 

The Carioca Aquaduct was built in 1723 to transport water. After 1896 the upper deck is used as the rail line of a local tram service. Great engineering and "recycling" effort.

Lastly to Sugarloaf Mountain, a monolithic granite 396 m high, famous for a panoramic view of the city. It is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reachable by cable car.

*蜻蜓点水看南美 (2)*  

早上去观赏里约的标志-基督救世主像, 立在市中心高610米山峰的顶。像高38米,基座8米。建于1932年。游客可坐电缆车上山。  

Selaron 台阶 - 215 级的台阶,用世界各地的瓷砖装修得美轮美奂,成为旅游圣地。是一位居民十多年的心血。

Carioca 水道 - 建于1723年,1892年无用后改为电缆车的车道。建筑雄伟,废物利用,省资环保,赞。

下午坐缆车登上 Sugarloaf 山之顶,396 米高,花岗岩。里约的全景尽在眼前。此山是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产。


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*Whirlwind tour of South America (3)*  

Morning took our 1st internal flight from Rio to Foz Do Iguacu, 3+ hours on Voegol airline. Voegol? Of course never heard of.  

Afternoon we are in the Iguacu National Park of Brazil, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The highlight is the Iguacu Falls, a giant waterfalls bordering Brazil and Argentina.The rim width of the falls is 2.7 km (about a quarter without water), the main falls 60 m to 82 m. 20% of the falls is in Brazil and 80% in Argentina. 

The afternoon visit to the national park is a disaster. Raining all afternoon. Very misty too. Photos are dull and far from sharp. There are up to 300 small falls. Water everywhere, flowing over the rock edge or oozing out from the earth slopes. 

*蜻蜓点水看南美 (3)* 

今早乘第一次内陆航班从里约到 Foz Do Iguacu. 花三个多小时,航空公司是Voegol, 我孤陋寡闻,没听过这 Voegol。 



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*Whirlwind tour of South America (4)*    

The Iguacu Falls is in fact one of the top 3 waterfalls in the World. The others are Victoria in Africa and Niagara in North America.     

Last night we crossed into Argentina territory and today we visited the Argentina Iguazu National Park which includes the Argentinian part of the Iguazu Falls. The park is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.     

We spent about 5 hours in the park, walked along several trails viewing the many falls at different places. Most of the trails are on metal walkways. The 3rd photo shows the Mbigua Falls and the 4th the Devil's Throat where a huge amount of water swirl down the deep curved fissure in the rock to create a spectacular series of waterfalls viewed from below.

*蜻蜓点水看南美 (4)*   



在公园逛了五小时,走了几条特建的步道观赏多个大小瀑布。总结是满地都是水。第三张照片展示的是Mbigua瀑布,第四张是“魔鬼的喉咙" - 大量的水漩涡式的泻入大石裂缝中,再化为多层次的瀑布。

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